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Where Surfing Enthusiasts Go in Maldives?

Surfers around the world keep looking for locations that can thrill and challenge their skills with wisata banyuwangi surfboard. Maldives is celebrated for its surfing destinations and places for water sports fans to have tons of fun. While there are numerous destinations in the island nation for surfing, Huduranfushi Island Resorts stand apart on a number of points. Following are some of the areas where the island scores;

  Hospitality The resort, surrounded by white sand, is a known name in Maldives tourism and thus has to match global standards of hospitality. Being the destination for surfers and thrill seeking vacationers alike, the resort receives an astounding number of visitors every year. One can choose from beach villas and ocean villas. Both boasts of modern amenities and everything that makes the visitor to fall in love with the resort. Surfing Those who look for luxury Maldives Resorts as well splendid surfing experience often decide on the Huduranfushi Island Resorts.

Surfing is at its best from March to November with June, July and August being the months that attract most visitors. Speaking of reef breaks, there is plenty of variety on offer in terms of intensity. Through a dhoni boat transfer, one can reach different surfing breaks and that too within 25 minutes. After purchasing a surf pass, one can become part of the water powered action. Following are the breaks to look out for; Jailbreaks- It is a right hander that was earlier off limits for surfers but now is widely looked forward to by vacationers staying in surfing resorts Maldives.

The mid barrel section gives up to 300meters of elevation when it is lining up. Sultans- It is known for its intense wrapping section at the end after an easy right-hand take off. Breaks mostly reach 3-8ft and thus it is usually suggested to be rode when it is small. It is one of the favorites of professional surfers. Honky’s- It is located on the north of Himmafushi Island which is known for luxury hotels & resorts Maldives. Honky’s is widely visited for its fast wrapping left at 4-6ft. Cokes and Chickens are the other two that are widely looked forward by surfers. Cokes is a challenge with its 3-10ft breaks and is also known to be widely photographed for its beauty. Chickens hold the title of the fastest wave in North Male Atoll. It also sets the blood pumping with its giant stature of over 10ft.

 So, it can be said that Hudhuranfushi is a haven for surfers. Along with surfing, it also takes care of the refreshment part through a bar on the surf area. For those who prefer to rather watch that ride the breaks, there is a large decking area where one can sit and revel on the beauty of the sea. While this was all about surfing, the island is also known for offering scuba diving liveaboard. For the ones with the heart for adventure, there are also options of snorkeling, sailing and windsurfing. So, it can be said that along with surfing enthusiasts, Hudhuranfushi is also loved by other adventure seekers.


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